
I am a diligent web developer/designer & an open source contributor with 5 years of experience in building user-friendly web-applications & web-sites. Highly skilled in communication, collaboration, and designing of appealing user-centered, and friendly interfaces, Building and designing responsive web components, with modern technologies such as HTML, CSS & Javascript including frameworks/library like,ReactJs, NextJs, Typescript, JQuery and css libraries such as TailwindCss, ChakraUi, bootstrap, SCSS e.t.c. I also use Firebase & Supabase as a BaaS technology and Github & Bitbucket as a cloud storage technology

My Experiences

Praisetech Enterprise

senior web developer


Praise Tech is an enterprise that deals with delivering highly proficient websites just in time I led the frontend team and created some user friendly and responsive websites, i also co-ordinated the junior devs and interns there.

Exedox Team

Senior-frontend web developer


Exedox is a great team of developers that collaborate to solve problem driven tasks and build awesome projects

CodeCube Millenials

Junior-frontend web developer


Code cube is a software company that provides simple tech solutions for businesses, individuals and companies.